Final Conference in Katowice

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The closing conference of the LoCAL project took place on 1st of June 2017 at Central Mining Institute in Katowice. Almost 70 people participated in the conference, including representatives of all partners' institutions (from UK, Spain and Poland), representatives of mining sector from Silesia region, representatives of companies dealing with water technologies from Silesia Region and Czech Republic and other interested stakeholders.
An international group of experts – LoCAL project partners – presented their experiences concerning use of different technologies for extracting heat from mine waters with recommendations for their application and perspectives supported by examples of implementations. Additionally, interactive tools developed within the project were presented. Short training courses were also conducted on their use. The tools are shown and explained in the "toolbox".

Presentation from the conference can be downloaded here.

Some photos from the conference can be seen below.

Grzegorz Gzyl kierownik projektu

Konferencję otworzył dyrektor Zbigniew Lubosik

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